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Djusie Facial Dry Cupping Set - Hreinsiefni
8.599 kr
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Auðveld skil 30 daga
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Facial dry cupping is a delightfully easy, quick and rewarding method for maintaining the vitality of the skin. If effectively releases tension from muscles and connective tissues. Djusie Facial Dry Cupping Set contains three cups of different sizes for treating decolletage, neck and face. The cups are designed and made of medical grade silicone in Finland.
Facial dry cuping invigorates blood circulation, the flow of lymphatic fluids, and boosts the skin’s supply of oxygen and nutrients. Facial dry cupping is a very easy ritual to stick to – the results speak for themselves.
If you’re searching for an instant vitality boost, look no further. Facial dry cupping stimulates the function of fibroblast cells. In other words, the treatment firms the skin, improves the moisture content of the connective tissues and sculpts the face. Facial Dry Cupping is a great method for treating the fine lines. It’s also a wonderful way to support the healing of impurities and acne scars.

Efni: the cups are designed, made of medical grade sílikon in finland.
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