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Depend Cosmetic

Gel iQ Remover Oil Method 1
649 kr
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Til 15. janúar
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Removal of Gel iQ polish using method 1. Removes Gel iQ gently using vegetable oil. This method works for most nail types. Otherwise we recommend method 2, for example if you have extremely dry nails. Read Gel iQ instruction before use.

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How to: For this method to work, there must be a certain amount of growth between the cuticle and the gel, which you would naturally have if the gel has been on for two weeks. This method is very gentle on the nail and cuticle, and the special chemistry of this product produces a reaction between the remover oil, the water, and the gel. 1. Apply plenty of remover oil to the fingers of one hand all along the cuticles and over the whole nail. 2. Massage over each nail for about 20-30 seconds. 3. Pour water into a bowl large enough to accommodate all the fingers of one hand. 4. Lower your fingers into the warm water (about 40 °C) so that all the fingers are covered by the water. Wait 3 minutes. 5. After about 3 minutes, begin to gently scrape the gel away from the area of new growth near the cuticle, using your own fingernail or an orange stick. Keep your hand in the water as you do this. Finish off by massaging in any excess oil and wipe your hands dry.
Efni: ricinus communis seed olía, helianthus annuus seed olía, sesamum indicum seed olía, brassica napus seed olía, butyrospermum parkii olía, rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract, tocopherol.
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