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CEP ultralight sleeves, calf, v3, women

Dagar Einhleypra - Smelltu hér til að sjá öll tilboð á sportvörum fyrir konur og sportvörum fyrir karla.

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4.589 kr5.099 kr
5.999 krÞú sparar 1410.00 kr
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Verslaðu að lágmarki 2 vörur fyrir 9700 kr eða meira! Gildir til: 2024-12-01 23:59 |
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Auðveld skil 30 daga
Compression fitCompression fit
Um vöruna
  • Efni: 79% pólýamíð, 21% spandex
Upplýsingar um vöru

Light legs and a feel-good effect: The Calf Sleeves feature a modern design, and their compression stimulates the supply of nutrients to your muscles. The ultra-thin, lightweight material and ventilation zones in the calf ensure perfect heat and moisture management on hot days. medi’s innovative compression reduces exhausting muscle vibrations – for an energy boost and a more enjoyable running experience. LIGHT LEGS FOR MORE POWER: THE ULTRALIGHT CALF SLEEVES FOR WOMEN
Achieve new personal records, feel awesome and look fabulous – the Ultralight Compression Calf Sleeves for women let you have it all. Their thin, ultralight, breathable materials are sure to impress you – even when it’s hot outside. Enjoy the benefits of compression along with carefree, summer wearing comfort.
Enhanced performance thanks to improved circulation
Peak performance requires an optimum supply of nutrients to your muscles and rapid removal of lactates. This is how medi compression in the Ultralight Calf Sleeves improves blood flow. Your legs feel fresher and lighter, and you have more energy and endurance when you need it most.
Feel great and achieve more in the summer heat
The ultra-thin, lightweight and breathable fabric completes the design of these sporty yet stylish sleeves. The material also ensures superior wearing comfort when temperatures rise. Combined with mesh ventilation zones around the calves, these sleeves offer optimum heat and moisture management.
Fewer muscle vibrations, more energy
The Calf Sleeves counteract undesired muscle vibrations throughout the entire calf thanks to their maximum compression effect. The result: more energy so you can achieve your new personal best. Order the Ultralight Calf Sleeves for women today in the CEP Activating Sportswear web shop.

Compression fit
Compression fit promotes muscle repair leading to faster recovery time and reduced soreness.
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