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CEP mid support, knee sleeve, unisex
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4.799 kr5.999 kr
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Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
Compression fitCompression fit
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  • Efni: 47% pólýamíð, 35% pólýester, 18% spandex
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Seamless circular knitting technology and the preformed popliteus section of the knee sleeve support and stabilize the joint. Silicone dots on the hem and the skin-tight design ensure a perfect stay-put fit. Compression activates the cells for more control and increased sensitivity.
The knee is the linchpin of the musculoskeletal system in every endurance sport. Support your knee joint and the surrounding muscles with the Mid Support Knee Sleeve from CEP. The functional knee sleeve stimulates cells, increases sensitivity and provides stability and support. Moreover, the sleeve is comfortable and won’t slip. Support your knee during high-performance activities and benefit from effective recovery with the Mid Support Knee Sleeve.
Stability and comfort during training
The Mid Support Knee Sleeve features an anatomical design. The compression effect and preformed popliteus section ensure a close fit to provide optimum support for the knee joint and muscles during high-intensity exercise. You have more control over your movements and can perform at your best.
Perfect stay-put fit
The sleeve’s circular knitting technology means there are no seams. But it offers plenty of comfort thanks to the no-pinch, wrinkle-free design. Silicone dots are systematically arranged on the hem and the close fit ensures excellent support. The Mid Support Knee Sleeve is made from breathable fabric that allows air to circulate so you can focus on your workout without worrying about your accessories slipping or heat building up.
Cell activation for increased sensitivity
The compression in the knee sleeve improves blood circulation and increases sensitivity in the joint and muscles. This allows you to complete your training activities with even more precision while enjoying more effective recovery. Compression performance has yet another advantage: It reduces swelling and relieves pain and discomfort in the knee.
Order the Mid Support Knee Sleeve now and optimize your athletic performance!

Compression fit
Compression fit promotes muscle repair leading to faster recovery time and reduced soreness.
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