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Auðveld skil 30 daga
Til 15. janúar
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Aðvörun: Attach this toy out of the reach of the child. To prevent possible injury by entanglement, remove this toy when the child starts trying to get up on its hands and knees in a crawling position. Ensure product is securely attached. Discard item straight away if broken. Instruction: A crib mobile is intended for visual stimulation and is not intended to be grasped by the child. If attached to the crib or playpen, remove when baby begins to push up on hands and knees. If so designed, mount on wall or ceiling clearly out of standing baby´s reach. If mounted on a wall or ceiling, install the mobile clearly out of a standing baby´s reach. Always attached all provided fasteners (strings, straps, clamps, etc.) tightly to a crib or playpen according to the instructions. Check frequently. Do not add additional strings or straps attached to a crib or playpen. Keep this information for future reference.
Ytra efni: 100% lífrænn bómull
Mál: 14,5 x 14,5 x 17 cm
Upplýsingar um vöru
Adorable music mobile for the nursery.
The mobile is shaped as a balloon with a little bow in cotton tape. Pull the wooden ring, and the music starts.
Solid colors are in beautiful quilted fabric. Music Mobile in white and brown shades.
Since the mobile is handmade, the look and shape can vary from the image.
Ring: Maple wood
Melody: 'Summertime' by George Gershwin. Not suitable for washing. Wipe with a damp cloth.
Organic Content Standard (OCS)
Vörur sem eru vottaðar samkvæmt Organic Content Standard (OCS) innihalda lífrænt ræktað efni sem hefur verið sjálfstætt staðfest á hverju stigi aðfangakeðjunnar, frá uppruna til lokaafurðar. Þessi vara er að hluta eða öllu leyti gerð úr efni sem er vottað af Organic Content Standard (OCS). Athugaðu efnissamsetninguna hér að ofan til að fá sérstakar upplýsingar um þessa vöru.
SA8000 vottunin er staðall sem leggur áherslu á félagslega ábyrgð á vinnustöðum. Það setur kröfur um sanngjarna meðferð starfsfólks, þar á meðal að banna barnavinnu, nauðungarvinnu og mismunun, og tryggir mannsæmandi vinnuskilyrði og vinnuréttindi í ýmsum atvinnugreinum.