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Cutie Reveal Care Bears Doll - Dúkkur

5.594 kr
7.459 kr
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Afhending 2-3 virkir dagar*
Hröð afhending - Sendingarkostnaður frá 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
3+ Ár3+ Ár
Um vöruna
  • Lengd: 32.5 cm
  • Viðvörun: Hæfir ekki börnum undir þriggja ára aldri
  • Efni: plast
  • Aðvörun: Hentar ekki börnum yngri en 36 mánaða
  • Barbie
Upplýsingar um vöru

Barbie Cutie Reveal Care Bears dolls offer the cutest unboxing experience with 10 surprises! Discover one of three different Care Bears characters -- Cheer Bear, Share Bear or Grumpy Bear. Remove the adorable plush costume to reveal a posable Barbie doll. Which doll will you reveal? Then find more surprises like a skirt, headband, sunglasses, shoes, sponge-comb and matching mini Care Bear! Reverse the plush top for a fleece jacket and flip the costume head for a pet bed. Use water for even more cuteness with repeat colour-change transformations on the doll's hair! Kids will love discovering -- and collecting -- all the cute surprises in this adorable series. Each doll sold separately, subject to availability. Dolls cannot stand alone. Colours and decorations may vary.

Upplýsingar um framleiðanda
  • Framleiðandi: Mattel Europe B.V.
  • Póstfang: 1186 MJ Amstelveen, The Netherlands
  • Rafrænt heimilisfang:
Vörunúmer:229851084 - 0194735273928