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Nail Addict Eco Mani French Ombre - Lausar neglur
1.581 kr
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Um vöruna
  • Aðvörun: Rapidly adheres to skin. Avoid contact with eyes, mouth and skin. Store out of the reach of children. Do not apply to damaged or infected nails. Seek medical attention if the product adheres to the eyelids. If the product adheres to the skin, moisten and carefully remove. Not for use around the eyes.
Upplýsingar um vöru

Professional nails for tailor-made design and long durability.
Ardell's Eco Mani nails have been designed with minimal waste in mind. Eco-conscious false nails made from 94% recycled plastic. Packaging made from recycled cardboard. Contains 30 nails, glue (2 g), nail file and manicure stick.

Hvernig skal nota:
Application: Clean and buff nails with the included file. Choose a nail tip size that suits the natural nail. Apply a thin layer of glue to the natural nail. Place the tip over the natural nail and hold for 10-15 seconds. If necessary, use a nail file to get the desired length and shape. To remove: Soak in nail polish remover with acetone until the glue dissolves. Do not pull or break off the tips from the nail.
Upplýsingar um framleiðanda
  • Framleiðandi: x
  • Innflytjandi: MSL
  • Póstfang: Suite 5385, 27 Upper Pembroke St, Dublin, Ireland
  • Rafrænt heimilisfang:
Vörunúmer:228229450 - 074764586377