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Individual Knotted Flare Medium - Augnhár
786 kr1.049 kr
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Verslaðu að lágmarki 2 vörur fyrir 9700 kr eða meira! Gildir til: 2024-11-03 22:59 |
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Auðveld skil 30 daga
  • Silkimjúkt
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Our silky duralash individuals are the closest thing to natural lashes ever developed. the expertly crafted lashes are permanently curled, easy to apply, and comfortable to wear. they're so natural, you might forget they're not your own!

Hvernig skal nota:
Individual lashes can be used with glue for individual lashes (permanent) or regular glue. instructions: before applying individual lashes, thoroughly cleanse your natural lashes and eyelids of makeup and oil (applies when using individual lash glue). 1. carefully remove the lash from the tray using tweezers. 2. apply a drop of glue to a piece of foil. dip the root of the lashes into the glue. 3. apply the lash over your natural lash, close to the lash line but without contact with the skin. apply more lashes for the desired look. when used with glue for individual lashes (permanent) care: avoid rubbing your eyes with a towel. let the lashes air dry. avoid oil-based makeup cleanser. removal: moisten two cotton pads with the specially formulated "lashfree individual eyelash adhesive remover" or with baby oil. place one pad on top and the other under the eye and massage gently until the individual lashes fall off. warning: never pull or tug on the lashes as this can cause your natural lashes to damage or fall out. use only as instructed.
Efni: 100% gerviefni hair.
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