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SAMBA XLG J - Lágir strigaskór

15.739 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
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Auðveld skil 30 daga
Um vöruna
  • Snið: Venjulegt
  • Fóður: gerviefni & textíl
  • Innra fóður: 100% textíl
  • Efri: leður
  • Efri: 100% leður
  • Efra fóður: 100% textíl
  • Sóli: gúmmí
  • Innsólín: textíl
  • Ytri sólín: 100% gúmmí
Upplýsingar um vöru

Experience the evolution of an icon with the unisex adidas Samba Xlg shoes. Crafted for juniors with a lifestyle intent, these low-top shoes blend heritage football and skate styles into a comfortable, stylish design. Revel in the luxury of full-length EVA drop-in padding and a generously padded moulded tongue, all wrapped up in quality leather. Walk confidently on its new thicker midsole - your stride's best friend.

Sjá meira frá sömu vörulínu hér
Upplýsingar um framleiðanda
  • Framleiðandi: adidas
  • Póstfang: Hoogoorddreef 9a, Amsterdam 1101 BA, The Netherlands
  • Rafrænt heimilisfang:
Vörunúmer:227715972 - 4067897481639