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adidas Originals


Leifturdagar - Smelltu til að skoða öll leifturtilboð sport fyrir dömur og öll leifturtilboð sport fyrir herra.

Veldu stærð
5.977 kr
8.539 krÞú sparar 2.562 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
Fast delivery - Shipping fee 1.590 kr
Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Um vöruna
  • Snið: Slim-fit
  • Efni: 93% bómull, 7% elastan
  • Þvottur fyrir viðkvæman fatnað á að hámarki 40˚C
  • Notið ekki bleikingarefni
  • Í þurrkara með lægstu stillingu eða 60°C að hámarki.
  • Strauið með að hámarki 110°C
  • Notið ekki þurrhreinsun
Upplýsingar um vöru

A seamless blend of comfort and style, these adidas leggings are made for moving through your day. Their soft cotton blend and tight fit provide a second-skin feel while offering ultimate range of motion. Signature details quietly connect you to a legacy of creators and athletes, like iconic 3-Stripes that circle the lower leg on one side for a contrast in colour. For those seeking both fashion and function, these leggings are it.
The cotton in this product has been sourced through Better Cotton. Better Cotton is sourced via a chain of custody model called mass balance. This means that Better Cotton is not physically traceable to end products.
Find out more here:

Did you know that cotton clothes actually can be washed, dried and heated several times without any notable marks? But instead of bleaching it, you can easily use lemon juice for stains and vinegar for bad smell. This both benefits your clothes and the environment.
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