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Efni: 100% recyled nælon
Innra fóður: 100% pólýester
Ytra efni: 100% recyled nælon
This is a Unisex product
Þvoist ekki með handþvætti eða þvottavél
Setjið ekki í þurrkara
Strauið ekki
Notið ekki þurrhreinsun
Strap length: 55-93 cm
Hæð: 37
Breidd: 32
Dýpt: 12 cm
Upplýsingar um vöru
Sørine backpack in Novara nylon from Adax. Water-repellent nylon backpack with adjustable straps and carrying handle in the top of the bag. On the back the bag is sewn in a quilted pattern with a small pocket, on the front of the bag there is a small zipper pocket. The backpack has a flap closure with a drawstring closure under the flap. Inside, the backpack consists of a large open space with 2 small open pockets on one side and a zipper pocket on the other side