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Adax hardcase 76cm Andy - Ferðatöskur
22.249 kr
Afhending 2-3 virkir daga
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Auðveld skil
Auðveld skil 30 daga
Water repellentWater repellent
Um vöruna
  • Innra fóður: 100% endurunnið post-consumer pólýester
  • Ytra efni: 100% polycarbonat
  • No
  • This is a Unisex product
  • Hæð: 76
  • Breidd: 47
  • Dýpt: 29 cm
  • Rúmmál: 100 l
Upplýsingar um vöru

Andy 76 cm lightweight suitcase from Adax. Timeless hardcase suitcase with built-in TSA lock. With a TSA lock, customs officers can always check your luggage if needed. The suitcase closes with two zippers. It has handles at both the top and the side, as well as telescopic handles that make it comfortable to transport. The suitcase is equipped with four double wheels that spin 360 degrees. Inside, the suitcase is divided into two large compartments, one side featuring an elastic cross band to hold clothes in place. The compartments are separated by a practical zipper pocket that helps keep track of all the small items you carry while traveling. The pocket is secured with a zipper closure. The lining is made from recycled material.

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