Our toddlers' Moomin snowsuit is made for outdoor-loving little ones. Its seams are sealed for a waterproof finish and the waterproof material is also water and dirt repellent. The fabric is very durable. As the seat is insulated, playing on cold surfaces is as comfortable as can be. The detachable hood gives extra protection against wind yet is also safe because it comes off easily if caught on something. Toddlers will be ready to explore winter in no time while wearing this excellent all-in-one.
Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
Vedenpitävä, tuulenpitävä ja hengittävä
Irrotettava huppu
Teipatut saumat
Muumi Lyster -kuosi
Valmistettu kierrätetystä polyesteristä ja polyuretaanista
Tämä haalari on täydellinen aktiivisille lapsille, jotka rakastavat leikkiä ulkona talvella.
Waterproof rating
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