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1630 products
    Cole & Mason Derwent Salt & Pepper Set - Kitchen - SILVER, CLEAR / clear
    30% Deal
    Cole & MasonDerwent Salt & Pepper Set
    118.30 €169 €
    Rörstrand Ostindia Bowl with lid 35 cl - Kitchen - WHITE / blue
    40% Deal
    RörstrandOstindia Bowl with lid 35 cl
    35.40 €59 €
    35 cl
    Bloomingville Emira Kitchen Paper Stand - Kitchen - WHITE / white
    40% Deal
    BloomingvilleEmira Kitchen Paper Stand
    24 €40 €
    24 €40 €
    26 €40 €
    STAUB La Cocotte - Round cast iron - Kitchen - GRAY / beige
    • Induktion
    30% Deal
    STAUBLa Cocotte - Round cast iron
    195.30 €279 €
    195.30 €279 €
    191.40 €319 €
    224.25 €from 299 €
    209.40 €349 €
    209.25 €279 €
    203.40 €339 €
    küchenprofi Olive oil sprayer - Kitchen - SILVER/BLACK / silver
    40% Deal
    küchenprofiOlive oil sprayer
    23.40 €39 €
    CrushGrind STOCKHOLM Grinder - Kitchen - WALNUT / brown
    25% Deal
    CrushGrindSTOCKHOLM Grinder
    45 €60 €
    45 €60 €
    45 €60 €
    64.35 €99 €
    42 €60 €
    Andersen Furniture Andersen Carvingboard - Kitchen - NATURE / beige
    25% Deal
    Andersen FurnitureAndersen Carvingboard
    44.25 €from 59 €
    Blendtec Blendtec Blendtec Pro 800 - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    BlendtecBlendtec Blendtec Pro 800
    1299 €
    Rosendahl GC Electric kettle 1,4 l ash/patinated steel - Kitchen - ASH/PATINATED STEEL / grey
    40% Deal
    RosendahlGC Electric kettle 1,4 l ash/patinated steel
    68.97 €114.95 €
    1.4 l
    Eva Solo Green tool mandolin slicer - Kitchen - GREEN / green
    35% Deal
    Eva SoloGreen tool mandolin slicer
    29.22 €44.95 €
    Zwilling Enfinigy, Toaster - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    35% Deal
    ZwillingEnfinigy, Toaster
    57.85 €89 €
    OBH Nordica Elite Mix Stick Mixer - Kitchen - BLACK / silver
    25% Deal
    OBH NordicaElite Mix Stick Mixer
    52.50 €70 €
    OBH Nordica Twister go blender 2x600 ml 300 W - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    OBH NordicaTwister go blender 2x600 ml 300 W
    45 €60 €
    Stelton Brus carbon acid - Kitchen - STEEL / silver
    30% Deal
    SteltonBrus carbon acid
    147 €210 €
    147 €210 €
    136.50 €210 €
    147 €210 €
    Tareq Taylor Salt and pepper grinder set Himalaya - Kitchen - FOREST GREEN / green
    35% Deal
    Tareq TaylorSalt and pepper grinder set Himalaya
    55.25 €85 €
    Ø 5.8 cmØ 6.5 cm
    55.25 €85 €
    Ø 5.8 cmØ 6.5 cm
    55.25 €85 €
    Ø 5.8 cmØ 6.5 cm
    42 €from 60 €
    Ø 5.8 cmØ 6.5 cm
    Tareq Taylor Frying pan Ellen - Kitchen - STEEL / silver
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    Tareq TaylorFrying pan Ellen
    30 €from 40 €
    Ø 20 cmØ 24 cmØ 28 cm
    Holm Frying pan - Kitchen - METAL / silver
    • Induktion
    30% Deal
    HolmFrying pan
    36.37 €51.95 €
    Ø 24 CMØ 28 CM
    Rosti Margrethe bowl - Kitchen - METAL / silver
    25% Deal
    RostiMargrethe bowl
    26.21 €from 34.95 €
    0.5 l1.5 l2 l3 l
    Muubs Vita - Kitchen - SEASHELL / cream
    20% Deal
    47.20 €59 €
    47.20 €59 €
    44.25 €59 €
    Dorre Enameled Cast Iron Pot Gretl - Kitchen - SVART / black
    • Induktion
    40% Deal
    DorreEnameled Cast Iron Pot Gretl
    59.40 €99 €
    4 l
    59.40 €99 €
    4 l
    74.25 €99 €
    4 l
    Dorre Knife Set Calgary - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    35% Deal
    DorreKnife Set Calgary
    29.25 €45 €
    Zone Denmark Dishwashing set w cloth - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    20% Deal
    Zone DenmarkDishwashing set w cloth
    37.60 €47 €
    19X 6X 20.5CM
    Eva Trio Stainless steel Frying pan 28 cm Mosaic ceramic Slip-Let® coating - Kitchen - POLISHED STEEL / silver
    • Induktion
    55% Deal
    Eva TrioStainless steel Frying pan 28 cm Mosaic ceramic Slip-Let® coating
    53.98 €119.95 €
    Ø 20 CMØ 28 CM
    Eva Trio Copper Saucepan 1.5 l 16 cm - Kitchen - COPPER / orange
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    Eva TrioCopper Saucepan 1.5 l 16 cm
    104.96 €139.95 €
    1.5LØ16CM1 LØ13 CM
    Endeavour Endeavour® Mediumboard skærebræt - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    EndeavourEndeavour® Mediumboard skærebræt
    33.75 €45 €
    Zwilling Simplify, Pot set 5-p - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    ZwillingSimplify, Pot set 5-p
    261.75 €349 €
    Zwilling Fresh & Save, Vacuum boxset S/M/L / 3-p, glass - Kitchen - GREY / clear
    25% Deal
    ZwillingFresh & Save, Vacuum boxset S/M/L / 3-p, glass
    33.75 €45 €
    Valerie Objects MVS SALT MILL - Kitchen - WHITE / white
    25% Deal
    Valerie ObjectsMVS SALT MILL
    76.50 €102 €
    Zwilling Soup ladle - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    25% Deal
    ZwillingSoup ladle
    20.25 €27 €
    Nordic Ware Magnolia Bundt® Pan - Kitchen - TOFFEE / beige
    25% Deal
    Nordic WareMagnolia Bundt® Pan
    44.25 €59 €
    2.4 l
    Bloomingville Abrielle Cuttingboard w/knife - Kitchen - WHITE / white
    25% Deal
    BloomingvilleAbrielle Cuttingboard w/knife
    41.25 €55 €
    house doctor Mortar w. pestle, HDArb, Brown - Kitchen - BROWN / brown
    25% Deal
    house doctorMortar w. pestle, HDArb, Brown
    26.25 €35 €
    Rosendahl RÅ Condiment Caddy H7,5 - Kitchen - THERMO ASH / brown
    25% Deal
    RosendahlRÅ Condiment Caddy H7,5
    42.71 €56.95 €
    Satake Cast Iron Bread Oven Dish - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    • Induktion
    SatakeCast Iron Bread Oven Dish
    89.90 €
    Zwilling Serving spoon - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    25% Deal
    ZwillingServing spoon
    22.50 €30 €
    Zwilling Spatula - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    25% Deal
    20.25 €27 €
    Dorre Smash Burger Press Smera - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    25% Deal
    DorreSmash Burger Press Smera
    23.25 €31 €
    Ø 13 cm
    Rosendahl RÅ Salt Cellar w lid 15 cl - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    RosendahlRÅ Salt Cellar w lid 15 cl
    21.71 €28.95 €
    Rosendahl RÅ Chopping board - Kitchen - THERMO ASH / brown
    35% Deal
    RosendahlRÅ Chopping board
    32.47 €49.95 €
    Rösle Pastry brush - Kitchen - MIX / white
    25% Deal
    RöslePastry brush
    18.75 €25 €
    23.5 cm
    Miyabi 5000 MCD 67, Knife set 2-p, Black maple - Kitchen - GRAY / silver
    25% Deal
    Miyabi5000 MCD 67, Knife set 2-p, Black maple
    561.75 €749 €
    Teakhaus Choppingboard w. juice canal - Kitchen - BROWN / brown
    25% Deal
    TeakhausChoppingboard w. juice canal
    175.50 €234 €
    25% Deal
    186.75 €249 €
    Zwilling Enfinigy, Electric kettle 1.5 l - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    ZwillingEnfinigy, Electric kettle 1.5 l
    66.75 €89 €
    66.75 €89 €
    66.75 €89 €
    CrushGrind BILLUND Grinder - Kitchen - PARSLEY / multi
    30% Deal
    CrushGrindBILLUND Grinder
    24.50 €35 €
    24.50 €35 €
    26.25 €35 €
    26.25 €35 €
    24.50 €35 €
    26.25 €35 €
    24.50 €35 €
    24.50 €35 €
    26.25 €35 €
    26.25 €35 €
    26.25 €35 €
    Satake 28 cm lightweight cast iron with honeycomb pattern nonstick - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    Satake28 cm lightweight cast iron with honeycomb pattern nonstick
    59.25 €79 €
    Sagaform Nature serving set with oak cork, 2-pack - Kitchen - CLEAR / undefined
    • 2-pack
    25% Deal
    SagaformNature serving set with oak cork, 2-pack
    27.75 €37 €
    RIG-TIG FOODIE vattenkokare (EU) 1 l. black - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    RIG-TIGFOODIE vattenkokare (EU) 1 l. black
    48.75 €65 €
    OBH Nordica Compact grill and panini maker 2000 W - Kitchen - STAINLESS STEEL / silver
    25% Deal
    OBH NordicaCompact grill and panini maker 2000 W
    66.75 €89 €
    25% Deal
    126.75 €169 €
    Stelton Stelton Brus carbonator, wall mount steel - Kitchen - STEEL / silver
    20% Deal
    SteltonStelton Brus carbonator, wall mount steel
    168 €210 €
    Bloomingville Nukaka Cutting Board - Kitchen - BROWN / brown
    25% Deal
    BloomingvilleNukaka Cutting Board
    36.75 €49 €
    Miyabi Santoku, 18 cm - Kitchen - SILVER, BROWN / silver
    • Fish & meat
    25% Deal
    MiyabiSantoku, 18 cm
    321.75 €429 €
    Eva Solo Spinning colander Green tool - Kitchen - GREEN / khaki/green
    25% Deal
    Eva SoloSpinning colander Green tool
    44.96 €59.95 €
    Holm Loaf pan w/lid - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    HolmLoaf pan w/lid
    33.71 €44.95 €
    25 cm
    Endeavour Endeavour® TwinBoards brun skærebræt - Kitchen - BROWN / brown
    25% Deal
    EndeavourEndeavour® TwinBoards brun skærebræt
    48.75 €65 €
    Moomin Moomin Chop&Serve board In the Kitchen - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    MoominMoomin Chop&Serve board In the Kitchen
    25.43 €33.90 €
    STAUB Vintage frying pan with wooden handle - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    STAUBVintage frying pan with wooden handle
    104.25 €139 €
    Ø 24 cm
    Endeavour Endeavour® TwinBoards skærebræt - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    • 2-pack
    25% Deal
    EndeavourEndeavour® TwinBoards skærebræt
    48.75 €65 €
    Heirol Heirol Royal Pearl Frypan 24 cm - Kitchen - WHITE / white
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    HeirolHeirol Royal Pearl Frypan 24 cm
    71.25 €95 €
    Ø 24 cm
    Muubs Roaster Hazel - Kitchen - BROWN / brown
    25% Deal
    MuubsRoaster Hazel
    59.25 €79 €
    Marimekko Home UNIKKO JAR 0,7L - Kitchen - WHITE, WHITE / white
    40% Deal
    Marimekko HomeUNIKKO JAR 0,7L
    25.20 €from 42 €
    9.8 CM17 CM
    Rosti Chopping board set Choptima - Kitchen - CURRY / yellow
    30% Deal
    RostiChopping board set Choptima
    51.68 €73.83 €
    35.5X 7X 26.5CM
    51.68 €73.83 €
    35.5X 7X 26.5CM
    55.37 €73.83 €
    35.5X 7X 26.5CM
    47.99 €73.83 €
    35.5X 7X 26.5CM
    RIG-TIG FOODIE elvisp light rose - Kitchen - LIGHT ROSE / pink/rose
    25% Deal
    RIG-TIGFOODIE elvisp light rose
    48.75 €65 €
    Bialetti MOKA EXPRESS 3 TZ - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    25% Deal
    BialettiMOKA EXPRESS 3 TZ
    48.75 €65 €
    130 ML250 ML420 ML
    Zwilling Stew pot - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    ZwillingStew pot
    18.75 €25 €
    0.8 l
    Satake Satake Houcho Santoku, Nakiri and Sahimi knives in gift box - Kitchen - BEIGE / beige
    25% Deal
    SatakeSatake Houcho Santoku, Nakiri and Sahimi knives in gift box
    119.25 €159 €
    Holm Crumb catcher bread board - Kitchen - NATURAL / natural
    25% Deal
    HolmCrumb catcher bread board
    33.71 €44.95 €
    Rosti Margrethe bowl - Kitchen - METAL / silver
    25% Deal
    RostiMargrethe bowl
    119.96 €159.95 €
    Sagaform Nature Oil/vinegar bottles oak stoppers, 2-pack - Kitchen - CLEAR / undefined
    25% Deal
    SagaformNature Oil/vinegar bottles oak stoppers, 2-pack
    29.25 €39 €
    Rosti Chopping board Choptima - Kitchen - HUMUS / grey
    25% Deal
    RostiChopping board Choptima
    22.50 €30 €
    35.5X 25.5X 1CM
    Zwilling Stock pot - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    ZwillingStock pot
    26.25 €35 €
    1.5 l
    Gentlemen's Hardware Wilderness Multi-Tool - Kitchen - GREEN / green
    25% Deal
    Gentlemen's HardwareWilderness Multi-Tool
    27.75 €37 €
    Continenta Knife block in acacia - Kitchen - BROWN / brown
    25% Deal
    ContinentaKnife block in acacia
    59.25 €79 €
    Zwilling Fresh & Save, Vacuum grat dish, glass - Kitchen - GREY / white
    25% Deal
    ZwillingFresh & Save, Vacuum grat dish, glass
    26.25 €35 €
    Zwilling Enfinigy, Milk frother 400 ml - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    25% Deal
    ZwillingEnfinigy, Milk frother 400 ml
    74.25 €99 €
    STAUB La Cocotte - Mussel pot - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    STAUBLa Cocotte - Mussel pot
    134.25 €179 €
    Broste Copenhagen Vig - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    Broste CopenhagenVig
    25.50 €34 €
    Eva Solo Chopping board set grey - Kitchen - GREY / grey
    25% Deal
    Eva SoloChopping board set grey
    67.46 €89.95 €
    cilio Espresso mill AROMA - Kitchen - SATIN STAINLESS STEEL / silver
    25% Deal
    cilioEspresso mill AROMA
    33.75 €45 €
    Satake Houcho Bunka - Kitchen - GREY / grey
    • Fish & meat
    20% Deal
    SatakeHoucho Bunka
    54.32 €67.90 €
    Gentlemen's Hardware Hammer Multi-Tool 6 in 1 - Kitchen - METAL / silver
    25% Deal
    Gentlemen's HardwareHammer Multi-Tool 6 in 1
    18.75 €25 €
    STAUB La Cocotte - Cast Iron Tomato Cocotte - Kitchen - RED / red
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    STAUBLa Cocotte - Cast Iron Tomato Cocotte
    216.75 €289 €
    Andersen Furniture Knife Rack - Kitchen - NO COLOR / undefined
    25% Deal
    Andersen FurnitureKnife Rack
    59.25 €79 €
    New Mags Eataly - Kitchen - BEIGE / beige
    25% Deal
    New MagsEataly
    48.75 €65 €
    Bloomingville Maehan Oven Dish w/Lid - Kitchen - BROWN / brown
    25% Deal
    BloomingvilleMaehan Oven Dish w/Lid
    30 €40 €
    Pillivuyt Bread basket oval Nito - Kitchen - LIGHT/BROWN / brown
    25% Deal
    PillivuytBread basket oval Nito
    41.25 €55 €
    Zwilling Colander - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    25% Deal
    18.75 €25 €
    Ø 16 cmØ 20 cmØ 24 cm
    Zwilling Fresh & Save, Vacuum pump with charging cap - Kitchen - WHITE / white
    25% Deal
    ZwillingFresh & Save, Vacuum pump with charging cap
    56.25 €75 €
    Tefal Intuition Techdome Frypan 24 cm - Kitchen - STAINLESS STEEL / silver
    25% Deal
    TefalIntuition Techdome Frypan 24 cm
    33.75 €45 €
    Eva Solo 2 Magnetic trivets Golden sand - Kitchen - GOLDEN SAND / yellow
    • 2-pack
    25% Deal
    Eva Solo2 Magnetic trivets Golden sand
    26.21 €34.95 €
    OBH Nordica Urban mix hand mixer 300 W - Kitchen - BLACK STEEL / silver
    25% Deal
    OBH NordicaUrban mix hand mixer 300 W
    41.25 €55 €
    Dorre Baking Steel / Pizza Steel BBQ - Kitchen - SVART / black
    25% Deal
    DorreBaking Steel / Pizza Steel BBQ
    60 €80 €
    house doctor Paper towel holder, HDEya, Nature - Kitchen - NATURE / brown
    25% DealLimited
    house doctorPaper towel holder, HDEya, Nature
    26.25 €35 €
    Aida RAW Teak - skærebræt 1 stk 32x24x2 cm - Kitchen - TEAK / natural
    25% Deal
    AidaRAW Teak - skærebræt 1 stk 32x24x2 cm
    17.18 €22.90 €
    17.18 €22.90 €
    25.13 €33.50 €
    20.10 €33.50 €
    Satake 24 cm frying pan in lightweight iron with honeycomp pattern  - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    Satake24 cm frying pan in lightweight iron with honeycomp pattern
    44.25 €59 €
    Bialetti Induction Plate - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    25% Deal
    BialettiInduction Plate
    25.50 €34 €
    6 cups
    Kockums Jernverk Frying pan - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    Kockums JernverkFrying pan
    52.43 €69.90 €
    1.7 l2.3 l2.7 l
    Kockums Jernverk Bread board - Kitchen - BEECH / beige
    25% Deal
    Kockums JernverkBread board
    67.43 €89.90 €
    Mepal Bowl set Cirqula low 3psc - Kitchen - WHITE / grey
    25% Deal
    MepalBowl set Cirqula low 3psc
    28.50 €38 €
    house doctor Walnut Cutting board - Kitchen - NATURE / brown
    25% Deal
    house doctorWalnut Cutting board
    21.75 €29 €
    Rosendahl Grand Cru Ovenproof dish 35x15 - Kitchen - WHITE / white
    25% Deal
    RosendahlGrand Cru Ovenproof dish 35x15
    38.96 €51.95 €
    OBH Nordica Easy grind coffee grinder 200 W black - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    OBH NordicaEasy grind coffee grinder 200 W black
    33.75 €45 €
    Gense Gravy ladle Oxford - Kitchen - METAL / silver
    25% Deal
    GenseGravy ladle Oxford
    26.25 €35 €
    Bloomingville Kame Cutting Board - Kitchen - GREEN / green
    BloomingvilleKame Cutting Board
    40 €
    Ø 30.5 cm
    Eva Solo Salt&Pepper grinder 11cm oak - Kitchen - OAK / beige
    25% Deal
    Eva SoloSalt&Pepper grinder 11cm oak
    37.46 €49.95 €
    Zwilling Garlic press - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    25% Deal
    ZwillingGarlic press
    22.50 €30 €
    Muubs Yami Board - Kitchen - BROWN / brown
    25% Deal
    MuubsYami Board
    51.75 €69 €
    Mauviel sauter pan plump Cook Style 3,2 liter 24 x 8 cm Steel Stainl - Kitchen - STEEL / silver
    25% Deal
    Mauvielsauter pan plump Cook Style 3,2 liter 24 x 8 cm Steel Stainl
    231.75 €309 €
    3.2 l
    Rosti Mixing jug - Kitchen - METAL / silver
    25% Deal
    RostiMixing jug
    37.31 €49.74 €
    1 l
    Satake Satake Houcho Petty 12 cm - Kitchen - BEIGE / beige
    • Vegetables
    25% Deal
    SatakeSatake Houcho Petty 12 cm
    36.75 €49 €
    Eva Solo Oil/vinegar carafe 0.5l - Kitchen - CLEAR / undefined
    25% Deal
    Eva SoloOil/vinegar carafe 0.5l
    29.96 €39.95 €
    Fiskars FF frying pan 28cm ceramic coated - Kitchen - MULTI-COLORED / black
    20% Deal
    FiskarsFF frying pan 28cm ceramic coated
    35.99 €44.99 €
    28 CM
    Ballarini Salina Ti-X Granitium Stock pot with lid - Kitchen - GRAY / grey
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    BallariniSalina Ti-X Granitium Stock pot with lid
    89.25 €119 €
    Zwilling Sharpening stone - Kitchen - GRAY / grey
    25% Deal
    ZwillingSharpening stone
    59.25 €79 €
    Zwilling Frying pan - Kitchen - SILVER / silver
    • Induktion
    25% Deal
    ZwillingFrying pan
    22.50 €30 €
    Ø 16 cm
    OBH Nordica Select single waffle maker 850 W black - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    OBH NordicaSelect single waffle maker 850 W black
    36.75 €49 €
    Zwilling Knife sharpener - Kitchen - BLACK / black
    25% Deal
    ZwillingKnife sharpener
    51.75 €69 €
    Fiskars Classic Universal scissors 21cm - Kitchen - ORANGE / orange
    30% Deal
    FiskarsClassic Universal scissors 21cm
    18.20 €26 €
    18.20 €26 €
    19.50 €26 €

Buy the best kitchenware online

Here at Boozt Home, we've hand-picked the best kitchenware for your kitchen. In our wide range of kitchen items, you'll find everything you need for cooking, baking and for brewing coffee and tea. Whether your kitchen is new or just needs to be spruced up, we've made sure that you can choose from a wide selection of different kitchen utensils that will make cooking a lot more fun and inspire you to try out exciting new recipes. Our range includes kitchenware, kitchen appliances, baking utensils, kitchen knives, pots, pans and kitchen storage in many different designs and price ranges. Explore our selection online and find the best kitchenware for your dream kitchen.

Kickstart your cooking with the right kitchenware

Cooking is easier and a lot more fun when you have a well-stocked kitchen with the right kitchenware. The kitchen utensils and accessories influence and shape the meals that are prepared in your kitchen every day. A new, interesting recipe is easily forgotten if you don't have a pie tin, a good whisk or bowls of a suitable size. The same goes for the motivation to cook healthier meals and tasty desserts. With sharp kitchen knives and other great kitchenware, chopping, slicing, peeling and prepping turns into a rewarding and fun task. Good kitchen knives, high-quality frying pans and cutting boards in different sizes and materials are worth investing in. You'll use them again and again, and if you make sure to maintain them, they'll be helping you out in the kitchen year after year. Having good kitchen storage for flour, rice, pasta and other dry goods isn’t only practical, it will also help you keep the kitchen tidy. A tidy kitchen invites experiments with new, exciting dishes and cosy evenings with cooking and wine. If you're looking for bowls and dishes to serve your delicious meals in, you'll find them right here. Have a look around in our selection online and fill your cart with all the kitchenware and baking utensils you can't live without. We offer fast delivery, so you can start cooking all your favourite meals very soon.

High-quality kitchen utensils from popular brands

Now that you're finally treating yourself to new kitchenware or kitchen appliances you might as well invest in good quality that can accompany you on your kitchen adventures for many years to come. Here at Boozt Home, we've put together a big assortment of kitchen utensils, kitchen storage and kitchen appliances from some of the very best brands. Dive into our little kitchen universe and explore high-quality products from brands such as Fiskars, Sagaform, Endeavour and many others. Looking for a gift? Everyone can use a good kitchen knife, a set of pots, an ovenproof tray or a beautiful wooden cutting board. If you're looking for new tea towels, placemats and oven gloves you'll find them right here in our category with kitchen textiles. Happy Cooking!