Rugged nahk construction provides exceptional durability, unmatched comfort
Sisetald: ortholite insert for added comfort, moisture control
Välistald: durable kummi vaskammoniaak
See on Unisex toode
The New Balance BB480 is a classic low-top sneaker inspired by the original BB680. It features a leather upper with an Ortholite insert for comfort and stability. The shoe is perfect for everyday wear and is available in a variety of colors.
Leather upper
Ortholite insert for comfort and stability
Classic low-top design
Inspired by the original BB680
68% leather, 32% synthetic
The New Balance BB480 is perfect for anyone looking for a comfortable and stylish sneaker for everyday wear.
Nahk on vastupidav ja kestab kaua, kui selle eest hoolitseda. Hea kvaliteediga nahk peab vastu plekkidele ja igasugusele mustusele või plekid saab hõlpsasti ära pühkida. Siiski saad nahale anda lisahoolitsust, hoides seda päikese eest kaitstult, säilitades seda kuivas kohas ja pehmendades seda õhukese kihi kookosõli või nahakreemiga.