Vältige kangapehmendajaid, et rõivad kestaksid kauem
Õrn pesu max 30 ˚C juures
Ärge kasutage valgendit
Trummelkuivatage madalal temperatuuril või max 60 ˚C juures
Triikida max temperatuuril 110 °C juures
Ärge puhastage keemiliselt
The New Balance Core Run Short Sleeve is a versatile and comfortable t-shirt, perfect for a variety of activities. It is made from a lightweight and breathable fabric that will keep you cool and dry during your workout. The simple design allows you to focus on your workout without your clothes getting in the way.
Made from a lightweight and breathable fabric
Features a simple and functional design
Quick-drying fabric
This t-shirt is perfect for women who are looking for a comfortable and stylish workout top.