Blooming colours, shapes, and the feeling of an authentic summer ambience. With Hammershøi Summer from Kähler, you can almost feel the sun’s rays and the warm summer breeze as you set the table for coffee and treats on the terrace, balcony, or in the summer house. Hammershøi Summer is inspired by the Danish summer’s adventurous shapes, colours, and emotions, and for the 2025 season, a bouquet of the most beautiful wildflowers has found its way into the popular series. The Hammershøi Summer mug adorned with the wildflower theme holds 33 cl and is perfect for tea or coffee – whether you enjoy an early summer morning in peace and quiet as the world awakens, set the table for a grand coffee spread, or simply wish to add plenty of authentic summer cosiness to the table and around the home. With Hammershøi Summer and the wildflowers of the meadows, we help announce that summer is upon us, just as the wildflowers remind us to enjoy the moment with their diverse blooming, often lying like a carpet over the meadow, while promising to bloom again in the coming years. The wildflowers motif is painted in the same way as the other themes in the Hammershøi Summer series, where plants and flowers almost move spontaneously across the classic grooves on the white ceramic pieces. It is as if they almost sprout, almost dance across the porcelain with their various asymmetrical directions. If you already have other pieces in the Hammershøi Summer series, the mug will be a beautiful addition to the other themes and complete a cheerful and cosy summer atmosphere on the table, while you enjoy the authentic nostalgia in Kähler’s handmade design traditions. The motifs are created by artist Rikke Jacobsen on the existing Hammershøi tableware designed by Hans-Christian Bauer. With her beautiful watercolours, she creates detailed motifs where flora and fauna are the key themes, perfectly capturing the nature and seasons around us.
Sotsiaalauditit tegevad tehased on võtnud endale kohustuse järgida sotsiaalse vastavuse põhimõtteid, tagada õiglased töötavad, edendada töötajate õigusi ning säilitada ohutud ja eetilised töötingimused kogu tarneahelas. Loe rohkem siit, milliseid sertifikaate Boozt aktsepteerib.