NÜÜD! 30€ lisaallahindlust sinu tellimuselt! Kui ostad kaks või enam toodet ja ostad vähemalt 200€ eest. Kasuta koodi: GIFT Soodustus jaotatakse kõigi sinu tellimuse toodete vahel. Kupongi ei saa kassas kombineerida teiste koodidega.
Vältige kangapehmendajaid, et rõivad kestaksid kauem
Õrn pesu max 30 ˚C juures
Ärge kasutage valgendit
Ärge trummelkuivatage
Triikida max temperatuuril 110 °C juures
Ärge puhastage keemiliselt
The DYNAMIC Skort is a stylish and functional piece of sportswear. It features a comfortable and breathable fabric that allows for freedom of movement. The skort has a built-in short for added coverage and support. It is perfect for a variety of activities, including tennis, running, and fitness.
Made from a comfortable and breathable fabric
Features a built-in short for added coverage and support
Designed for a variety of activities, including tennis, running, and fitness
This skort is perfect for women who are looking for a stylish and functional piece of sportswear.