Sellel tootel on funktsioon "Pikenda suurust", mis tähendab, et jala ja käte pikkust saab pikendada kuni ühe suuruse võrra.
Õrn pesu max 40 ˚C juures
Ärge kasutage valgendit
Ärge trummelkuivatage
Triikida max temperatuuril 110 °C juures
Ärge puhastage keemiliselt
The BJRVEN KDS COVER 2 is a warm and waterproof snowsuit for kids. It features a detachable hood with faux fur trim, adjustable shoulder straps, and thumb holes. The snowsuit is also equipped with extend size function, which allows you to extend the leg and arm length by one size. The snowsuit is made of durable and breathable polyamide fabric, and it has sealed seams for maximum waterproof protection.
Detachable hood with faux fur trim
Adjustable shoulder straps
Thumb holes
Extend size function
Sealed seams for maximum waterproof protection
This snowsuit is perfect for kids who love to play in the snow.
Waterproof rating
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