This stylish mobile bag is perfect for carrying your phone and essentials. It is made from high-quality leather and features a top zip closure for security. The adjustable shoulder strap allows you to wear it comfortably across your body. The bag is fully lined and has a spacious interior.
Made from high-quality leather
Top zip closure
Adjustable shoulder strap
Fully lined
Spacious interior
This bag is perfect for women who want a stylish and practical way to carry their phone and essentials.
Nahk on vastupidav ja kestab kaua, kui selle eest hoolitseda. Hea kvaliteediga nahk peab vastu plekkidele ja igasugusele mustusele või plekid saab hõlpsasti ära pühkida. Siiski saad nahale anda lisahoolitsust, hoides seda päikese eest kaitstult, säilitades seda kuivas kohas ja pehmendades seda õhukese kihi kookosõli või nahakreemiga.