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Winterboot Toni Hiker Tex - Vinterstøvler
339 kr
849 kr
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Gratis retur* 30 dage
Varmt foerVarmt foer
Om produktet
  • For: 100% uld med tex membrane
  • Ydermateriale: 60% læder & 40% ruskind
  • Overdel: 60% læder & 40% ruskind
  • Foret: 100% uld med tex membrane
  • Sål: soft latex indersål foret med 100% uld
  • Ydersål: genanvendt tr gummi
  • Udtagelige indersåler
  • Bemærk, voksetillæg anbefales: 1-1,5 cm
  • Produceret i Portugal
Wheat FootwearThe model is small in size, we recommend that you go up a size if you are in doubt.Cool winter boots with laces and a classic hiking boot look for the junior child. - Wool lining - Tex membrane - Laces - Zipper on the insideWheat’s winter boots have a comfortable and warm wool lining and are easy for your child to get in with a simple closure. The boots have a Tex membrane that is 100% breathable and waterproof, which is practical for the autumn and winter seasons, as this keeps the little feet both warm and dry. These winter boots are designed with inspiration from hiking boots with laces and a practical zipper on the inside of the boots that make it easy for your child to put them on. The boots are made of leather from LWG certified tanneries that is breathable and sweat absorbent to ensure good comfort for your child. The material is very durable and gets a wonderful patina over time. As a lovely detail, the boots have suede details on the sides and at the edge around the ankle. The boots have wool lining, as well as a removable insole that is made of latex and covered with wool, which is why these boots are perfect as winter boots, as they are both supportive and warm. Latex is a natural product that is breathable and flexible with a trampoline effect for more comfortable steps. The boots have recycled TR rubber outsoles with great traction. It is normal in
Vigtige funktioner
  • Fremstillet af en kombination af læder og ruskind
  • Varm foring
  • Snørebåndslukning
  • Lynlås for nem på- og aftagning
  • Aftagelig indlægssål
  • Tex-membran
  • 100% åndbar og vandtæt
Disse støvler er perfekte til børn, der elsker at lege udendørs om vinteren.
  • Producent: Offspring A/S
  • Postadresse: Grusbakken 12, 2820 Gentofte
  • Elektronisk adresse:
Varenummer:226489570 - 5715023843507