Køb mindst 2 varer for 499 kr eller mere! Gælder indtil 2025-02-09 23:59 |
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Gratis retur* 30 dage
Om produktet
For: 100% læder
Ydermateriale: 100% ruskind
Overdel: ruskind
Foret: læder
Sål: latex foret med 100% læder
Ydersål: naturlig crepe gummi
Udtagelige indersåler
Bemærk, voksetillæg anbefales: 1-1,5 cm
Wheat FootwearSweet indoor shoes with embroidery and velcro closure for your toddler. - Velcro closure at the ankle- Embroidery Wheats indoor shoes are made of flexible and comfortable materials. The shoes are easy to put on your child with a velcro closure on each side of the instep. The indoor shoes are made in soft natural suede from LWG tanneries with a beautiful embroidery on top. The material is durable, breathable and sweat absorbent to ensure good comfort for your child. To make sure that no toxic materials touch the skin, we have lined the shoe with chrome and metal free leather lining. The insoles are made with latex and covered with chrome and metal free tanned leather. Latex is a natural product that has a lot of bounce for more comfortable steps. The outsole is made of natural crepe rubber that ensures great traction and flexibility. The style is unisex and is regular in its sizes. The indoor shoe has a comfortable fit with a great grip around the foot, which gives the children the freedom to move and play carefree. Recommended allowance for growth: 1-1,5 cm Inner measurementSize 19 = 12,5 cm Size 20 = 13,1 cm Size 21 = 13,8 cm Size 22 = 14,4 cm Size 23 = 15,1 cm Size 24 = 15,8 cm Size 25 = 16,4 cm Size 26 = 17,1 cmCompositionOuter material: Natural suede from LWG tanneriesLining: Chrome and metal free tanned leather Insole: Soft latex insole covered with chrome a