Helena Rubinstein Prodigy Re-Plasty High Definition Peel Perfect Skin Renewer Instant Peel Mask has the following features:
Enriched with anti-ageing active ingredients to correct and protect skin and to provide it with a visible rejuvenation.
The gentle, dense and crystalline jelly texture renews and clarifies skin in five minutes for an instant new skin effect.
From the 1st application, the skin is smoothed and luminous. After 1 month, skin texture seems intensely refined, skin looks renewed.
Formulated with Peel-Solution - triple exfoliating acid solution (glycolic, lactic and phytic) to refine skin texture. Also includes urea which is a highly hydrating active ingredient with exfoliating action, for immediately smoothed skin.
Anvendes 1-2 gange om ugen. Undgå kontakt med øjen- og læbeområdet. Skyl øjeblikket øjnene med rigeligt vand, hvis produktet får kontakt med øjet. Virketid 5 min. Skyl masken af med vand.