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Geisha Shaver

Geisha Shaver
159 kr
199 kr
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Geisha Brand stands for ecological and natural shaving. By switching your plastic shaver to a lifelong, zero-waste Geisha Shaver, you will reduce your plastic waste and save money.  The Geisha Shaver works with traditional and recyclable razor blades. Pair it with vegan and natural shaving products, you will experience a comfortable and smooth shaving experience.

The skin should be prepared for shaving. One good way to soften up the skin and hair is a warm shower or sauna. You will get you the best results without red spots and skin irritation with a mild, nourishing shaving soap or gel. The Geisha Shaver works best when you shave on a 45° angle, without applying any pressure! Let the shaver glide on its own weight and always use a sharp blade. The Geisha Shaver can be used to remove all types of body hair. We suggest starting off with the easy parts, such as your legs, to get the right feel for the shaver. Zero Waste Geisha Shaver Ecological and sustainable Recyclable razor blades Lifelong safety razor The Geisha Shaver is sustainable and at best lasts forever, but it can still break if dropped onto a hard floor. So handle your Geisha Shaver with care and caution.
  • Producent: GF Oy Lab
  • Postadresse: Muuraintie 5 C 6, 33960 Pirkkala
  • Elektronisk adresse:
Materiale: rustfrit stål
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