NETOP NU! 200 kr i rabat til dig - når du køber to eller flere varer for 1499kr. Brug koden: GIFT200 Rabatkoden kan ikke kombineres med andre koder ved kassen. Rabatten fordeles på tværs af alle varer på din ordre.
These Hiking Socks are the perfect choice for hiking, trekking, walking, backpacking, and traveling during fall, winter, spring and summer and they are also an ideal everyday sock in the cold season.
Their exclusive merino wool blend assures thermal insulation for your feet, keeping them fresh and cool in the summer, and dry and warm in the winter.
The Hiking Socks have targeted ventilation zones, which will allow a constant airflow and the best support for your feet.
Thanks to the padding from heel to toe, our Merino Wool Hiking and Trekking Socks absorb jarring shocks. The cushioning will minimize chafing and prevent painful blisters.
Vigtige funktioner
Merinouldsblanding til termisk isolering
Målrettede ventilationszoner for luftgennemstrømning
Polstring fra hæl til tå for stødabsorbering
Polstring for at minimere gnidninger og forhindre vabler