Køb mindst 2 varer for 499 kr eller mere! Gælder indtil 2025-02-03 23:59 |
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Gratis retur* 30 dage
Om produktet
Højde: 15 cm
Bredde: 15.5 cm
Længde: 15.5 cm
Materiale: keramik
Kaia belongs to the same collection as the adorable Isla vase. The design is typical for the Finnish artist who pursues her inspiration from nature and raw materials she works with. Hanna has a intuitive way of working with clay and you can almost feel her fingers in the coral-like structure of the vase's surface. ”The shape of Cooee’s iconic ball vase combined with my organic pattern creates a touch of delicateness and individuality into the timeless form. For me the round shape presents something very classical, the form is gentle and always welcoming".