Oil and Vinegar Mister - Olie, eddike & dressingflasker
226 kr
349 kr
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Gratis retur* 30 dage
Om produktet
Højde: 18.7 cm
⌀: 9.2 cm
Materiale: glas, rustfrit stål
The ultimate oil dispenser to minimise the quantity of oil used in food for healthier cooking. featuring an anticlog filter you can experiment with flavours, creating unique herb or spice oil infusions to delicately season and release the flavour in your food. the oil return system catches any residues which may form at the base of the nozzle and prevents countertop mess by feeding the oil back into the bottle. to use, simply pump the lid 46 times and press the nozzle for a continuous, fine mist of oil. do not pump more than 7 times before spraying. a great kitchen tool.