Top off the wedding cake with figurines from Kay Bojesen. Wouldn't it be a lovely surprise for your guests to see Danish design top off your cake when you all gather around the cake table? Once the day is over, the bride and groom will have an original memory of their big day that they will love to have on display. The new cake toppers from Kay Bojesen are miniature versions of the Bride and Groom, inspired by original figurines from Kay Bojesen’s archives. Like Kay Bojesen's larger figures, these are made in FSC®-certified beech wood with meticullous hand-painted details. The groom is incredibly close to Kay Bojesen’s original design and is dressed in a dark suit with a white shirt and black bow tie. Meticulously applied details, such as buttons, pocket handkerchief and lapels, bring the jacket to life, while the groom's happy and welcoming smile gives him charm and personality. The figurines measure 12 cm and are sold individually, so the pair can be combined however you wish. A discreet white magnetic plate to secure the figurines is available to purchase separately. As always with Kay Bojesen, the design is simple and elegant, and the figures’ classic appearance means they fit all types of cakes – be they minimalistic, colourful or full of decorations.
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