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Design House Stockholm

Knot cushion
3-5 Werktage mit Swiss Post
Kostenloser Versand ab 69 CHF Bestellwert
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Waschanleitung: 30°Waschanleitung: 30°
  • Designer: Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir.
  • Material: 50% wolle, 50% acryl, füllung
  • Material: polyester
  • Maße: 30 x 30 x 15 cm

“I have always been attracted to strange and unique things,” Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir explains as she talks about how she developed the idea of Knot. “I try to create unusual designs; products that are unpredictable and that make people curious.” A cushion with an unique character, based on sculptural form instead of patterns. Knot is made from a knitted tube, several meters in length, which is then tied up to create a compact knot which is as comfortable as a support in the sofa as it is elegant to behold. Thanks to its strong design, Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir’s Knot cushion belongs to the exclusive group of products that remain in one’s memory. But there was a long way to go when she started experimenting with tubular knitting on a machine some five years ago. She was really looking for an efficient way of manufacturing the legs of a teddy bear rather than crocheting them by hand. But she ended up with a knot-like cushion and where exactly the inspiration came from she has wondered about herself: “As a child I was in the scouts,” she explains, “and I was very good at doing knots.”

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